Azerbaijan and Armenia have been grappling with tensions since 1991, indicating a protracted and deeply rooted conflict.

The recent exchange of gunfire by Azerbaijan resulted in the unfortunate deaths of four Armenian soldiers, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

The deaths of two Armenian soldiers along the heavily fortified border were reported by Armenia, citing Azerbaijani gunfire, as confirmed by Azerbaijan's State Border Service on Tuesday.

In response to a prior incident where an Azerbaijani serviceman was injured by Armenian fire on Monday, Azerbaijan issues a warning of retaliatory actions to any future provocations, signaling an escalation in tensions.

Azerbaijan expresses a desire for a customs-free transport corridor through Armenian territory, aiming to connect its mainland with the Nakhichevan exclave.

Azerbaijan places responsibility for the recent escalation squarely on the military and political leadership of Armenia, adding a layer of diplomatic tension.

Armenia, in contrast, insists on maintaining control over transport links on its soil, creating a significant point of contention in the ongoing conflict.

Both sides accuse each other of sabotaging the diplomatic process, further complicating the prospects of reaching a peaceful resolution.

The peace talks between the two nations have recently stagnated, indicating a lack of progress in diplomatic efforts to resolve the long-standing issues.

The overall situation underscores the broader regional tensions and the delicate nature of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.