The Dark Truth About Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day has become highly commercialised, with industries promoting the idea that buying gifts equates to love.

Valentine's Day, leading to pressure on Individuals to make the Day Extraordinary.

Social media and societal expectations can contribute to individuals comparing their relationships

As True Affection should be shown Consistently Throughout the year

The production and disposal of Valentine's Day cards, decorations, and gifts contribute to environmental issues

The celebration of Valentine's Day can be seen as culturally insensitive or inappropriate in certain regions where it clashes with local customs or values.

For those going through a breakup or dealing with the loss of a loved one, Valentine's Day can exacerbate feelings of grief, sadness, or heartbreak.

with societal norms often placing more pressure on men to be the primary gift-givers or planners

It's important to note that perspectives on Valentine's Day can vary, and while some may view it as a day of love and celebration